How Should I Think About Risky Behaviors? (Smoking, Drugs, Unprotected Sex)

What The Research Says

  • Consistent and correct use of condoms is extremely protective against STDs and pregnancy.
  • If you are going to have sex, wearing a condom significantly reduces the odds of disease and unwanted pregnancy, just do it.
  • A broad and varied body of evidence shows that smoking is responsible for increases in stress, a variety of health problems, cancer and an overall increased risk of premature death.
  • Addictive drugs and similar substances have a wide array of dangerous physical and social side effects, and can often reduce your ability to make clear choices in other aspects of your life.


The Choices

Risk Averse – Your lack of unwanted children, incipient lung cancer, and amphetamine induced psychosis is testament to what a wet blanket you truly are.

Score: -1 Risk

Risk Seek – Smoking? Drugs? Unprotected sex? YOLO mother-lover, YOLO.

Score: +1 Risk, -1 Health, -1 Wealth, -1 Happiness

Next Question: What Type of Goals Should I Have?